How To Use Ncs Dummy

4) Run NCS Dummy software 5) Select BMW Chassis and module, click magnifier button to open the Find window. Enter search item “SPEEDLOCK” and click “Find Next” (or click ENTER until you stumble upon the desired functions in the graphical trace editor: 'SPEEDLOCKXKMHMIN' and 'SPEEDLOCKXKMHMAX'. I have Wibbles, He's going to do a one to one with me and go over it, he told me to use NCS DUMMY profile instead. So i just did a little practice, managed to load my chasis and read the CAS, it gave me the 'strings', managed to get the ECU to read all the modules and did a backup of the FSWPSW.TRC. You can do this manually or use tools like NCS Dummy, BMW Coding Tool. Those programs will do most of the work for you which will minimize the risk of error. Copy the.TRC file again and save with.MAN extension. Open the.MAN file with text editor. These are the 38 most used thread tags 1 series 6wb cluster ahl alpina apple apple carplay bmw ccc e6x navi coding cic map update cic navi cid clone coding dab+ dme e60 e63 e66 e85 ews f20 f25 hads and +21ti japan kombi lci rear pre lci front left traffic nbt ncsexpert pre-lci retrofit screen steering buttons; coding tcmmsamemory update used.

  • job_title = None Job title in PHENIX GUI, not used on command line
  • input_files
    • pdb_in = None Input PDB file
    • ncs_in = None File with NCS operators to be applied to pdb_in This can be a .ncs_spec file from find_ncs, simple_ncs_from_pdb or find_ncs_from_density It can also be NCS formatted for resolve, including rotations, translations, and centers NOTE: NCS operators only apply to a limited region within the unit cell. The center of this region for molecule 1 (the one you enter with pdb_in) is specified by the NCS center for molecule 1. If your molecule in pdb_in is not near this, then it will be brought as close as possible using space-group symmetry (as defined in the CRYST1 record of pdb_in) before application of NCS. If your molecule is closer to the center for operator k, then it will instead be brought to that center and then transformed to all other locations
    • map_in = None CCP4 or MRC-style map file (required if trim_overlapping=True). Map must cover the entire molecule including NCS copies.
  • output_files
    • pdb_out = apply_ncs.pdb Output PDB file
    • cif_out = None Output CIF-formatted file
    • log = apply_ncs.log Output log file
    • params_out = apply_ncs_params.eff Parameters file to rerun apply_ncs
  • directories
    • temp_dir = 'temp_dir' Optional temporary work directory
    • output_dir = ' Output directory where files are to be written
    • gui_output_dir = None
  • ncs
    • trim_overlapping = False Trim pieces that overlap (including those overlapping by NCS). Requires a full-size (not boxed) map file (ccp4/mrc). Also requires resolution of the map.
    • resolution = None Map resolution (for trim_overlapping)
    • match_copy = None Force input model to be associated with NCS copy match_copy This can be useful if your molecule center is close to an NCS center other than the one it is associated with
    • no_match_copy = None Do not allow input model to be associated with this NCS copy no_match_copy. This can be useful if your molecule center is close to an NCS center other than the one it is associated with
    • apply_operators_directly = False You can apply the NCS matrices directly to an input model, without considering one of the NCS copies to be the identity for this model.
    • max_copies = None You can limit the number of NCS copies to fewer than the actual number
    • start_copy = None You can start the NCS copies with any available copy
    • only_start_copy = None Just use start_copy and do not try to arrange chain names
    • unique_only = None Just use unique part of pdb_in
    • chain_names = None You can specify the chain names to generate
    • used_chain_id_list = None You can specify the chain names to generate
    • use_space_group_symmetry = True Normally apply_ncs uses space-group symmetry read from your input PDB file to find the appropriate operator. To disable this say use_space_group_symmetry=False. This is what you should do if you are using space group P1 as a dummy space group for example.
  • control
    • verbose = False Verbose output
    • raise_sorry = False Raise sorry if problems
    • debug = False Debugging output
    • dry_run = False Just read in and check parameter names
    • resolve_command_list = None You can supply any resolve command here NOTE: for command-line usage you need to enclose the whole set of commands in double quotes (") and each individual command in single quotes (') like this: resolve_command_list="'no_build' 'b_overall 23' "

What is NCS Dummy?

NCS Dummy is a tool that works with NCS Expert. It makes it easier to understand and make changes to the software config of your various ECUs.NCS Dummy parses keyword trace files(FSW_PSW.TRC) or nettodata trace files (NETTODAT.TRC) and retrieves all possible parameters, control unit data and order options for each function. The parsed trace files can be viewed and modified in a graphical trace editor or exported to text files. NCS Dummy can be used to compare two trace files and show the differences. Furthermore NCS Dummy can disassemble and assemble NCS Expert data files to achieve functionality that is not possible with a stock NCS Expert installation.

NCS Dummy Free Download

Download NCS Dummy (626 kB)
Download NCS Dummy profile for NCS Expert 3.* (1 kB)
Download NCS Dummy profile for NCS Expert 4.* (1 kB)

NCS Dummy PDF:

Download user manual (1.34 MB)

NCS Dummy Installation

Download NCS Dummy and extract the contents of the downloaded archive to a local folder on your hard disk. Double-click NcsDummy.exe to start the application.

If NCS Dummy throws an application error, “The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)”, you are missing the .NET Framework. Download and install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1(Click here) or Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Click here)

If you do not yet have the Microsoft .NET Framework installed and don’t need other applications that use the framework, it doesn’t really matter which version you install. If your computer is running an older version of the .NET Framework NCS Dummy will ask you to update to version 3.5 service pack 1. On the first launch NCS Dummy checks for the existence of folder C:NCSEXPERDATEN. If the path is not found NCS Dummy automatically switches to the “Options” tab and asks to enter the path to the NCS Expert DATEN folder. After the path has been set NCS Dummy is ready for use.


A lot of information in NCS Dummy can be exported to text files. By default NCS Dummy will open these text files with Microsoft Notepad. If you have a third party plain text editor you prefer, like Notepad++ or UltraEdit, now is a good time to set this in NCS Dummy. Point “Path to custom text file viewer” on the “Options” tab to the text editor’s executable and (if necessary) specify the text editor’s command line arguments in “Text file viewer arguments” (the default “%1” works for most applications).

While the NCS Dummy graphical trace editor is quite comfortable to use in Windows XP/2003 on a 1024×768 pixels display (at 96 dpi), the larger scaling of Windows Vista/7/8/10 leaves only a limited amount space available to the graphical trace editor. If you have such a small display and want to squeeze out a few extra rows in the graphical trace editor, launch NCS Dummy with command line argument /smalldisplay:
NcsDummy.exe /smalldisplay

This will slightly decrease the font size (on Windows Vista/7/8/10) and reduce the log height to maximize the available space for the graphical trace editor. It’s not a huge difference but can really make a difference on small displays. If you like the result create a shortcut to the NCS Dummy executable that appends this argument.

NCS Dummy Tutorial

Thanks revoter member of,and the original link lie here:


How To Use Ncs Dummy Id

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